Monday 20 July 2015

WWE Battleground 2015 Review

After months of anticipation and waiting we finally get to witness the reigning WWE World Heavyweight Champion get the beat down of a lifetime at the hand of WWE's only main attraction; Brock Lesnar. After weeks of mind games Roman Reigns was pumped and ready to be unleashed on Bray Wyatt; the third encounter of John Cena and Kevin Owens promised to be as good as the first two and the Divas Revolution showcased exactly what the change was all about. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present WWE Battleground 2015.

WWE's second biggest event of the year is weeks away, so it's common knowledge that Battleground will form or continue the big rivalries going into Summerslam; exactly what happened. 

King Barrett vs. R-Truth (Winner gets the Crown)

First of all, I refuse to call R-Truth "King Whats-Up". Secondly, I'd like to thank WWE's writing team for having common sense and not crowning Truth as the new King of the Ring. Now, can someone explain why Barrett is still in this ridiculous feud with Truth? What does the WWE want with Barrett? Since Wrestlemania, the so-called King of the Ring has featured just twice on the main card for a PPV Event - losing both matches; granted one was in the Elimination Chamber. Since winning King of the Ring, Barrett has lost to Neville at Payback, lost in the Elimination Chamber and lost to R-Truth on the Money In The Bank Pre-Show. Not a very strong "King" now is he?
However, the match itself wasn't bad - it wasn't great either. Truth did his job, a few mid match taunts to get the crowd going before bowing down to the King. Hopefully, WWE pushes Barrett who is, in my eyes, a fantastic wrestler. He can wrestle, he's strong and he knows how to annoy a crowd when he's on the mic. The Intercontinental Title picture is poor at the moment - put Barrett in there to help rebuild it.

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Mr Money In The Bank vs. The Home Town Hero. Did anybody care about the 100,000,000 meeting between these two? The rivalry started off okay last month, but it fizzled out when Orton went on vacation leaving Sheamus fighting on Smackdown's main event with the Big Show. What we can take from this, is its likely that Sheamus will replace Seth Rollins as the Authorities leading figure. Over the last month, since winning the briefcase, Sheamus has befriended Kane and The Big Show, as well as take out ex- Authority member Orton; until last night! A pretty bland and boring match ended with Orton hitting a RKO OUTTA NOWHERE, to pin Sheamus. The match had that 'boring, who cares' feel - it was a way to give Orton and Mr. Money In The Bank TV exposure as well as give Orton a match infront of his home crowd. The match feels pretty pointless.

WWE Tag Team Titles - The Prime Time Players (c) vs. The New Day

If you don't like the New Day, you need to re-evaluate your entire existence. When they first debuted as face's they were boring, the crowd chanting 'New Day Sucks' was clear evidence for this. However, they didn't let that get them down, instead they turned heel and have excelled from the hate. Whether you love them or hate them, deep down your excited when they turn up on RAW. It's also very evident that the three of them are good friends outside the ring. Look at Big E and Kofi when they do the entrance, their taking the mick, laughing and joking, enjoying what their doing and making them fun to watch on TV.
The Prime Time Players on the other hand are nowhere near as over. They won the title back at Money In The Bank, and since haven't got over with the fans. I really thought that New Day would beat PTP, but I'm not to arsed that they didn't. The match was good! For two big guys, Titus O'Neil and Big E are quick and agile for men of their size. Both would have great singles careers, but there's no need for that right now because I'm to excited to see a potential rematch between the two at Summerslam.

Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns

The forgotten rivalry. With Lesnar returning, Reigns has taken a back seat and has rarely had the TV exposure he had the months prior to Money in The Bank. On Smackdown however, Reigns and Ambrose are running that show. No body get's a bigger pop on that show than Ambrose and Reigns. However, despite being forgotten, this was the longest running match on the show, lasting thirty seconds longer than Cena vs. Owens. A typically good match where Wyatt used his creepy taunts to rile the crowd and Reigns whilst Reigns used his powerful moves to take Wyatt down. The ending was 'meh' but surprising. A mystery man cost Reigns the match then revealed himself to be former Wyatt member Luke Harper. Harper's had a hard time of late. They pulled him and Rowan away from Bray and gave them singles pushes. They were involved with Cena vs. The Authority match at Survivor Series which was great. Harper won the Intercontinental Title but from TLC on-wards his momentum spiraled down to the point where he was reunited with Rowan on Main Event - which ended abruptly when Rowan got injured. Either way, we'll see Reigns destroy Harper on the upcoming RAW's before winning against Wyatt at Summerslam. To make the match fresh they should give the match a stipulation - Hell In A Cell?

Divas Revolution Triple Threat: Charlotte vs. Brie Bella vs. Sasha Banks

Stephanie McMahon - thank you! TNA may be dying but you can't deny there Knockouts division is the best out there. Well, looks like it won't be any more! One thing Stephanie has made her mission to do since her and Triple H took over is reform the Divas division. Last Monday she brought up Ric Flair's daughter Charlotte, Becky Lynch and the NXT Women's Champion Sasha Banks to start the Divas Revolution. Gone of the days where Kelly Kelly was the champion, we now look forward to Divas matches! Nikki Bella will is currently 56 days of beating AJ Lee's record. Once that is done with and Nikki Bella is the longest reigning champion the Divas Revolution will take full force. The match at Battleground was amazing, as it was used to showcase what Charlotte, who eventually won with the figure-8, and Sasha Banks could do.

WWE United States Championship - John Cena (c) vs. Kevin Owens

Cena Owens 3. Will there be a fourth encounter? Remember when no one cared about Cena or the United States title? How times change! John Cena has reformed the US Title picture. What we've seen from the last couple of weeks is that it's likely that the four men fighting for the title for the next couple of months will be John Cena, Kevin Owens, Cesaro and Rusev. Please be a Fatal 4-Way at Summerslam!
Every time these two have squared off there has been the same outcome - match of the year contender. The hardest decision they'll have to make when rewarding the award will be which match was better? Cena vs. Owens at Elimination Chamber? Cena vs. Owens at Money In The Bank? Or Cena vs. Owens at Battleground? Been a long time since we've had that problem!
A lot of fans wanted to see Kevin Owens as the champion but realistically it doesn't make sense at the moment. The next big event is NXT Takeover in Brooklyn. Main Event? Finn Balor vs. Kevin Owens for the NXT Title. Would the US Champion care about the NXT Title? Nope! 

WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Seth Rollins (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

Everything in WWE is about Brock Lesnar at the moment. If you don't know who Brock Lesnar is then your obviously on the wrong page! At Wrestlemania 31, Seth Rollins cashed in his Money In The Bank contract during the World Title match, where Brock Lesnar defended his title against Rollins ex-Shield team mate Roman Reigns. Since then Rollins has defended against Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and now Brock Lesnar. 
I can't be the only one who was disappointed with the match. 4 Months of waiting for a 9 minute match... and I expected to see Seth Rollins do something! But the writers decided against that. For 9 minutes Brock Lesnar beat and broke down Rollins, only for the Undertaker to return and deny Lesnar the title. What is the gain? Brock will go into a feud with the Undertaker leaving Rollins looking weak and a worthless champion. There is also no standout rival for Rollins for Summerslam. The main rumor is Triple H vs. Rollins. For the title? Triple H to capture the title once more? Would you really want that? 
To be honest - put Dean Ambrose in that match and have Dean Ambrose win the title. It makes more sense! He narrowly missed out at Money In The Bank and when he stole that belt he was so over with the crowd. Where is he now? Not even on the card. He went for World Title match to nothing within 5 weeks.

Overall: 3/5 Stars

A good show. Not the best we've seen all year but still a decent show. Summerslam looks to be a much better show, but that's what we expect! 

I do not own any copyright to this pay per view event. All rights go to the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). All photos are taken from WWE's Official Youtube channel which you can see by clicking here.

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