Thursday 23 July 2015

Lucha Underground: Season 1 Episode 39 "PenUltima" Review

Next week the two week long season finale of Lucha Underground starts and the card looks action packed. This week, we learned the secret of the Medallions, a crazy new match stipulation and bashed the WWE. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Lucha Underground!

This is probably a bad time to have started this blog in regards to Lucha Underground, as after this weeks episode there are only two episodes left of the first season. Hopefully there is a second season, it looks that way but nothing has been confirmed but more on that in a different post! Let's dive straight into the action.

Disciples of Death with Catrina
In its own unique way, Lucha Underground started off with the boss Dario Cueto in his office with Big Ryck. For people who are not an avid Lucha viewer, Big Ryck wrestled in the WWE as Ezekiel Jackson. They had a few comical words regarding Ryck's missing eye then Dario handed him one of the seven medallions.

Then we got into one of the three matches. Texano, who will face Blue Demon Jr. at Ultima Lucha, in the battle of two of Mexico's biggest wrestling families, took on Johnny Mundo, who will face the AAA Mega Champion, Alberto El Patron, at Ultima Lucha. The match was really good, one of the best I've seen this week. It ended via disqualification when "The Crew", a group who have alligned themselves with Blue Demon Jr, attacked Texano. Mundo got in on the act, only for Alberto El Patron to save the day. Together, El Patron and Texano cleared the ring. They had a face off as the pair of them have a rivalry,  but El Patron left the ring leaving the battle for another day.

Then we went back to Cueto's office where Cueto was talking with Hernandez. Not only did Dario announce that Ultima Lucha starts next week, he announced the stipulation in the match between Hernandez and Drago. He made it a "Believer's Backlash" match. The "Believers" refers to the crowd inside the temple, similar to the WWE Universe. Everyone around the outside of the ring will have a leather strap and when an opponent is thrown to the outside they can decide whether or not to whip them. As the crowd hate Hernandez they will opt for him - and he say's he'll lash out! I can't wait!

The second match followed after when The Mack faced Cage in a rematch. A quick match ended with the Mack pinning Cage again. Cage and Mack would fight after the bell and Cueto would emerge from his office - making a Falls Count Anywhere match between the pair at Ultima Lucha next week.

Cueto would stay in the ring and announce what the medallions mean. The seven holders would fight in a battle royal at Ultima Lucha to win a belt called the "Gift of gods" championship. The winner of the belt gets a title shot whenever they choose. However, there is no "cash in", Dario mocked the WWE for their verson, as Dario likes to promote matches so they have to tell him a week in advance. He then invited the six holders out. The seventh medallion was won by Felnix, but he was taken out of action at the hands of Mil Muertes. A battle royal was scheduled for the last medallion, but the final two men would have to fight in a single match. Low and behold, Fenix returned to claim his medallion, but would have to fight in the battle royal.

Lucha Underground Champion Prince Puma
Many Lucha's competed in the battle royal, including Famous B, who used famous wrestlers move, including performing a pedigree seconds after doing the DX gesture. Matt Striker would say "well it works every Monday night!" Shame on you Matt, Triple H doesn't perform anymore. Eventually, it came down to three men, Marty The Moth, who had failed to win a medallion three times, DelAvar Daivari and Fenix. Daivari and Marty teamed up to take out Fenix, but he countered, eliminated Daivari making it a singles match between Marty the Moth and himself, which he won.

Afterwards we were told that Prince Puma would speak for the first time in Ultima Lucha. However, before he could speak he was interrupted by his opponent at Ultima Lucha Mil Muertes, accompanied by Catrina. She lifted up her stone, summoning the Disciples of Death. However, Puma countered and took all three disciples out. Muertes would try his luck, but he too was taken out. The show ended with the champion holding his title.

This weeks show was incredible! It was used as a go home show for Ultima Lucha, with promos and encounters between opponents, resulting in a lack of matches. However, each match was brilliant. The only reason the match between The Mack and Cage is low is because it lasted a short while, giving it no depth.


1. Texano def. Johnny Mundo by DQ
2. The Mack def. Cage
3. Battle Royal for the vacant Seventh Medallion. The final two competitors would face off in a single match: Fenix def. Marty The Moth.


  1. Started in 2014 an underground organization was formed a professional wrestling group was run by a Mexican-American businessman & promoter they used the abandoned warehouse as staging arena for ring gladiators & participants alike to perform the wrestling event of all time aired on El Rey Network. Thanks for the information. From:Wayne

  2. Dario Cueto he is the "Mexican American Vince Mc Mahon" & "Lucha Underground Promoter" who owns Lucha Underground based in suburban Los Angeles area. Thanks for the information. From:Wayne
