Wednesday 22 July 2015

Can WWE salvage the Intercontinental Title?

Current Intercontinental Title Ryback.
The very best in professional wrestling have held this title; Pat Patterson, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Razor Ramon and of course - Albert. It's no secret that modern WWE that the minor titles in the promotion mean next to nothing. Well, that was until John Cena captured the United States title at Wrestlemania 31. Now, every time Cena comes out the whole WWE Universe is ecstatic. On the other hand, when Ryback comes out, the mood is a little more depressing. This isn't necessarily the fault of Ryback, but ask yourself, do you really want to see Ryback vs. The Miz vs. The Big Show?

So, can the WWE salvage the once prestigious title? Firstly, lets look at the current rivalry Ryback's been put into - The Miz and Big Show. How the hell did The Miz and The Big Show become number one contenders for the gold? The Miz was off promoting the Marine 4 and we hadn't seen the Big Show since Extreme Rules. WWE's writing team decided against using a wrestler the fans liked. This doesn't necessarily mean a face, it means a heel which fans like watching. The writing team decided against that and decided to give us The Miz, who no one cares about without Mizdow, and The Big Show, who no one has ever cared about. The one thing the Miz has ever got right was his comment about the Attitude era and the Big Show!

Former Champ Dolph Ziggler
So, now that mini rant is over, we can look at WWE's attempts to revise the Intercontinental Title. I believe the WWE knew that the minor titles were virtually worthless because they put both the United States and the Intercontinental on two of WWE's big stars who were outside of the World title picture; John Cena and Daniel Bryan. This all happened at Wrestlemania 31, and whilst the United States title has been reformed, the Intercontinental Title has continued to slump when the curse of Bryan's injuries struck again.

Under Daniel Bryan, I'm 100% truly believe I wouldn't be writing this article. However, no offense Ryback, I am. Actually, I'll take that back, the problem isn't Ryback it's THE BIG SHOW AND THE MIZ. Rant over. After Bryan's injury the WWE panicked and didn't know what to do. So, we got an Elimination Chamber match between Ryback, Sheamus, R-Truth, Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler and Mark Henry. None of them were good enough to reform the title. For one, Barrett and Ziggler have held the title a fair few times in the past. It's different now, but more on that later....

New title for the new king?
The only person in the Elimination Chamber that I thought would kinda work was Rusev. For the beady eyed amongst you, you;ll realise that Rusev wasn't in the Elimination Chamber. That was because of an injury, but still, Rusev is needed for the United States title because his character hates America!

I remember talking about this with a friend and he said what's the difference between now and the old days? The old days the Intercontinental Title was fought between wrestlers who the forces in the WWE believed would be their main stars and future World champions. Now? Is Luke Harper a future World Champion? Is Dolph Ziggler? Is Wade Barrett? The latter two could have been but still haven't.

The WWE has names which could help reform the title. The first man I'll pick is the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose. I'm sure that belt would look nice on the walls of the Ambrose Asylum. Let's face facts. Ambrose is a future world champion. The key word is FUTURE. Right now, Ambrose can't get onto the main card. Put the title on him. Fans love him.

Another man I'll pick is the former five time champion Wade Barrett. Despite not being world quality, Barrett now portrays a new gimmick. Therefore, we wont be getting another Bad News run, we'll be getting the first title run of King Barrett!

Thank you for reading, like I say this is just a random article I wanted to write which popped into my head. Of course I'll do articles like this along with my reviews and of course, Daily Dropkick.

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