Saturday 25 April 2015

My view on Wrestling....

What's going on guys! First of all, let me welcome you to my blog! I used to do a football blog, but it got in the way of things and commitments, whereas now, I am free to continue to upload, but I wanted to change, and to do that, I've decided to do Wrestling!

Why Do I Love Wrestling?

Well, its fairly simple. Because I do. I have done since I was a kid, and I have never known why. As I got older, I've grown to enjoy it more, things make more sense etc. 

What I want to do is talk about the current main promotions, splitting WWE into its three main brands (RAW, Smackdown, NXT) along with Ring of Honor and TNA. I want to say what I enjoy about the shows and what needs to be improved!


Raw has changed a lot recently, I've begun enjoying it again! Just to let you know, back in the days of the brand extension I was a huge RAW fan, so therefore I always have high expectations for RAW. One of the main reasons, RAW and WWE, has improved is Seth Rollins winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title. THANK GODDDD BROCK LESNAR IS NO LONGER CHAMPION! I do like Lesnar, he's a powerful, powerful man who can be used to make a good rivalry thanks to Paul Heyman, but he should never have been champion! The very least a fan should expect is to see the title defended at every PPV, I don't think it's to much to ask to have the champion turn up every week to be honest! It also needs better storylines, Big Show jumping between Heel and face is boring, then to add Roman Reigns in makes it worst, its a carbon copy of most of Big Show's heel rivalries. Oh well, I still watch every week :)

WWE Smackdown!

It would be so easy for me to sit here and say bring back Brand Extension but it wont happen. Although it would have its benefits, it wont happen. Smackdown suffers because it's RAW but 2 Hours. I remember WWE saying that Smackdown will get its own storylines, but it has not. Its used as a show to advance the smaller mid card rivalries, such as Reigns vs. Big Show, Ambrose vs. Harper etc. I do think that's good, I like to show it as the best of a bad situation. 


NXT is a brilliant idea. I still remember when it was a competition, back in Series 1 when Wade Barrett won, which would ultimately lead to the Nexus taking WWE by storm. Nowadays, NXT is its own brand where future stars get training in story lines, cutting promos and preforming on TV and in front of fans. Its so gooooooood! I love watching NXT, and the only problems I have with NXT is sometimes there bad at speaking on mics and can make botches, but the whole point of NXT is improving, so I tend to ignore them. After all, when Rollins first started he wasn't as good at promos as he is now, the same with Dean Ambrose.

TNA: Impact Wrestling!

The WWE Fan girls out there hate TNA because it's ex WWE Stars who "couldn't cut it". No no, its ex WWE Stars who weren't used right. Proof? Drew Galloway, formally known as ex Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre, is currently tearing TNA up against ex WWE Star MVP's Beat Down Clan, which consists of Kenny King and another ex-WWE star not used right, NXT winner Kaval, who goes by the name Low Ki in TNA. TNA isa failing apparently because of Destination America so i'm told, but I don't know why! The reason TNA works for me is because the world title can be defending at any time on the show, they don't wait till supercards or PPV's.

Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor is a show I don't religiously watch. I enjoy it, but I tend to watch RoH around a week after it's televised. 

I want to watch this show more, along with Lucha Underground and New Japan Pro Wrestling, but at the moment it's exam season, so I will probably wait until the summer until this happens. Thank's for reading!

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